Where to stay in Dakhla for Windsurfing ?
We don’t need to tell you how awesome Dakhla is for watersports – you already know, right? But the question you are probably asking yourself is, “Where is the best place at the lagoon to stay for Windsurfing?”
There are two camps at the lagoon that offer windsurfing equipment hire and both are great places to stay.
Ocean Vagabond, part of the Club Mistral group, offer boards from Fanatic and North sails. The Fanatic board range covers boards in the Wave, Wave/freestyle, Freestyle, Freecarve, Freeride, Entry and Entry Kids categories. North sails are from the Wave/Freestyle and Racing categories.
If you want to improve even quicker, then lessons at Ocean Vagabond can be taken in English, French, Arabic as well as Spanish.
The camp is located in the northern part of the lagoon, with a north-south beach direction. The prevailing northerly wind means that the wind is always in a cross-shore direction, with shallow water for easy beach/water-starts.
Dakhla Attitude camp is found a bit further south than Ocean Vagabond, on the spit that sticks out into the lagoon. The equipment for this season is Gaastra Sails and Tabu Boards. They also stock previous seasons’ boards from Fanatic, and sails from North. All rigs under 6.0m have 75% carbon masts to ensure you spend your energy getting the most fun out of your time on the water. Sizes range from 3.4m2 to 8.4m2.
The orientation of the beach is on a NW-SE axis, and so the northerly wind is slightly cross-offshore at certain times here, giving beautiful flat water that is also shallow for a long way out.
Lessons at Dakhla Attitude can be taken in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.
If you are still not sure about which camp is the right one for your trip, then don’t hesitate to send us a message with details of your questions – we will recommend and book the right place for you!